Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Tuesday - a Bad Day!

Today was a strange weather day:  it went from bright and sunny to rain and even thunderstorms without much warning.

Grandma had special schedules to keep today.  Angela had agreed to babysit during the 2 hours of lunch while Grandma attended a Rotary meeting nearby.  I had to pick up Kevin early from Club and deliver him late to Club in the afternoon. 

Because of the potential rainstorms, I told Kevin they could not go to the beach to swim today. They did they shopping in the Yac at the end of the day, and I followed them back to Jack's house. 

 We met Jack's Dad on the way, and he needed Jack and his brother to come home immediately as they were going to attend the juggling/comedy show at 5:00.  I had told Kevin we were going at 7:00, and then to the Amp for the Symphony Pops Concert at 8:00.  The boys were not happy about being split up, but obeyed.

I suggested to Kevin that we look at the art gallery before going home.  What an amazing exhibit this year!!!  Both of us were in awe of the many unique and beautiful things.  The most outstanding pieces were shadow sculptures, created by a 17 year old student.  The shadow is totally different than the sculpture itself.  This shadow is Rachmaninoff!
 This shadow is of the artist's teacher who is a Green Bay Packers fan.

We didn't even see the entire exhibit as Kevin was intrigued with all the fascinating items in the gift shop until closing time at 5:00.

We saw an artist at work as we left the gallery.

We had dinner with Angela, then went to the juggling show which Kevin enjoyed very much.

Tonight was the 4th of July pops concert!  Kevin's photography:

Staying for the entire Pops concert until 10pm was a bit of a stretch!  It was the Fourth of July concert, and the tradition is it ends with the 1812 Overture.  Everyone is given 3 paper bags in their program, and you are to blow them up and pop them when the conductor indicates the moments for canon shots.  Kevin thought he was unsuccessful in popping his bags and was in tears.  He cried all the way home!  I gave him a piggyback ride most of the way.  To cheer him up, I kept trying to get him to think of happy things or good things that had happened that day, but he had a tough time thinking of anything beyond his failed bag pops.  Once home, he still could not get control of emotions and, in anger, he slammed his knee into his lip, cutting it on a tooth.  Ouch!  I am sure much of that reaction was just being TOO tired.

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