Saturday, June 30, 2012

Kevin is my Hero!

Kevin slept in until almost 9:00.  He needed that sleep!

We loafed around all morning and beyond.  He watched his videos we brought from the library.  He wanted me to watch The Jungle Book 2 with him, but I fell asleep.

He also made some unique artwork.  He showed me this one,

and he explained:  "It's really hard to do.  You have to make the fish that's biting the worm, that's on the hook, that's on the fishing line, that's in the water."   :) 

After lunch of pancakes and sausage, we had errands:
#1 - went grocery shopping.

#2 - took Guinness to doggie park.  But no friends were there, so we went to the ropes course.

 The back tire on Kevin's bike went flat and the wheel froze.

#3 - had to return Kevin's bike to the bike shop (I drove it in the car) and exchanged for another.  Brought the second bike home and realized the back tire was bald.  Returned it for a third bike!  ugh!  He is disappointed it is blue instead of red.

THEN HE BECAME MY HERO!  I set my purse and car key down on the tailgate to lift the blue bike out.  My key fell down into the bottom of my car frame!!!!  My hand is too large to fit down that space.  I did this once before at home, and found a tool (long hook or something) which lifted it out.  Kevin's little arm was not long enough looking straight down at the keys, but (smart kid!) he suggested putting his arm in under the tailgate and bending his arm down to reach what he could not see.  It worked!  He got it out!!!!

We vegged the rest of the afternoon.  I read another chapter from "Charlotte's Web" and he read me another chapter from his book.  Then I taught him to play 3-13 before dinner.  He did VERY well!!!!  And he BEAT me by 2 points!!!

 On the way to the symphony tonight, they young girls were playing a French Horn quartet.  Kevin is placing a dollar in their music case. 

Tonight, Peter Serkin play a Brahms concerto with the Chautauqua Symphony.  I really wanted to hear him, but it was 10:00 before he began playing.  Kevin was VERY good during the first half of the concert and the first movement of the concerto, but then his body gave out, and he asked to leave.

Friday, June 29, 2012

The First Awesome Moment of the Summer

I took Kevin to Boys and Girls Club, then went to the morning lecture -- the final day of Literary Week with Roger Rosenblatt interviewing a friend author.  Today was Dame Julie Andrews Edwards and co-author daughter Emma Walton Hamilton.  It wasn't until the program began that I realized -- why didn't I take Kevin out of B&G Club and bring him to this lecture?!!!  It was SO awesome to see Julie Andrews in person!!!  It brought tears to my eyes when she came on stage.  I learned later that I was not the only person affected that way.  It was fun to hear how they collaborate on their books.   They read together, as if a screenplay, from some of their books.  And, speaking of screenplay, they mentioned a Christmas Eve tradition in their family:  each person in the family reads a part from a screenplay of "The Christmas Carol"!  What a fabulous tradition!

Grandpa and I introduced Kevin to "The Sound of Music," "Camelot," and "My Fair Lady"over the past two years.  He can sing most of the songs of each.  Plus he knows "Mary Poppins" well.  

I had looked at her books in the bookstore this week and didn't see anything I really wanted to buy, but as I sat there listening to them talk, I knew I HAD to buy a book and stand in line to have both women sign it!!!!  With Kevin!!!!  I ran out as soon as they finished their conversation with Roger, and before audience questions, to buy a book!  I wanted one they had talked about which Kevin would enjoy -- "Dragon."  I managed to get to the bookstore before the mob, though, at 11:45, the autograph line was already forming.  I rushed to the B&G Club, ordered hot dogs for us at the Youth Center, then went to find Kevin.  We waited for our lunch and were in the growing lineup for autographs by 12:30.  Today was gorgeous and in the high 80's.  Fortunately, our place in line was in the shade, as we were stuck there until 2:00, before the line started moving.  Staff counted out the line as they were only going to take the first 200 books -- one book per person.  We were #170.  We sat on the ground to eat our hotdogs and enjoyed conversation with our neighbors.  Kevin, of course, was busy running around much of the time.  We read the first two chapters of "Dragon" and played "I spy with my little eye" to pass the time.

 Kevin is on the left corner of the fountain.

Before it was our turn, I asked Kevin if he wanted to say something to Julie Andrews -- like, "I love your movies!"  He did not.  When it was our turn, I told Julie Kevin LOVES her movies and her songs, and he knows most of them very well.  She spoke to him asking how old he is.  A young girl was sitting with Julie and Emma, and I asked her if she was Julie's granddaughter, and she was -- Hope Hamilton.  They were very gracious and sweet.  It was 3:15 when we left.  We had waited THREE hours!!!!  But it was worth it!!!! 

I bought Kevin an ice cream next door and left him at a table while I rode my bike down to the B&G's Club to find Aaron, the counselor who is Kevin's babysitter.  Aaron had asked Kevin this morning if he could ride his bike down to the B&G's Club alone at 6:00 rather than Aaron coming up the hill to our place.  I had to tell him, 'No!"  I am not secure enough to allow Kevin to navigate the "traffic" of Chautauqua -- all the walkers (many elderly), bikers, scooters, and occasional cars or trucks.  He does very well, but doesn't have enough experience yet to be totally on his own.

At 4:30, we were having company in our condo -- Bob and Shelagh Fleck, the buyers of our home in Burlington! 
They came over to celebrate our sale with a bottle of champagne!  Kevin took this photo with Bob's camera.
 Bob took some shots of Kevin.  I was initially surprised he took this shot of a seemingly bored boy.  But when I saw a disc of his shots, I realized his photos tell stories!  And this does tell a story!  Kevin wanted to watch his Scooby Doo shows while being surrounded by adult conversation.  ha!  Yep!  Bob caught the moment!
 Then another shot of Kevin totally engrossed in his program.

At 6:00, I needed to be a my choir rehearsal.  Aaron met us at the rehearsal location and took Kevin off with him.  Kevin told me later -- Aaron played baseball and paid another girl to watch Kevin!  LOL   But it was Aaron who appeared with Kevin at 7:45 back at my rehearsal hall.

Tonight the concert was The Righteous Brothers.  I heard them 15 years ago in Las Vegas.  They weren't at the top of their game then, so I didn't expect much of this concert.   Kevin said he liked the music.  My assessment was it was not a great experience.  At Intermission, half of the audience left.  As we walked away, I overheard a mother talking to her young boy about comparing "Under the Streetlamp" last week with this concert.  She pointed out the Jersey Boys danced great choreography and had wonderful show clothes.  Both shows were of old music, but the Jersey Boys sang clear, sharp and crisp, whereas tonight's singer was sloppy, off key, and not dressed well.   

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Ice Cream

Tonight's evening performance was the North Carolina Dance Theater.  Kevin wanted to sit right down front in the second row!  He is enamored by dance.

We left at Intermission and went to the ice cream shop which has become a nightly ritual.  Tonight, he tried Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream.  He loved it!  I think we have a new favorite.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Babysitter and Biking

Arriving at Club and crossing the creek has become a daily ritual.  

Grandma hired one of Kevin's Club counselors to babysit Kevin through lunch hour today as Grandma gave a book review for the Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle.  Then, when we arrived at Club, Kevin received an invitation to lunch and playdate from the mother of a friend in his group!  The babysitter took Kevin to the friend's house and helped the mom quite a bit!  He took the boys to the Ropes Course which they all loved.

Kevin LOVES scrambling around Palestine Park, so we briefly stopped again today.

On our ride home, I took some shots of him riding his bike!  He is doing an awesome job of riding!  I just wish he had some gears to help him up the hills.  

He made Origami paper balloons at Club.  Pretty awesome! 
He even juggles them!  

Tonight's Amphitheater family night program was The Mutual of Omaha's Wild Animal Kingdom.  It was very cool!!!!  Lots of wonderful and dangerous wild animals.  The dangerous ones were all young.  A beautiful 6 mo. tiger!  A very small alligator and a large scorpion.  There were several large snakes.   We saw hawks, a beaver, raccoon, wolf.  Children were brought up on the stage to touch or hold the animals.  Kevin wanted to be chosen, but the man in charge never looked in our direction. Towards the end of the program, several kids from our section went down in front of the stage hoping to be chosen, and Kevin joined them.  But the next, and last, time he called for helpers, he asked for tall helpers.  Oh, well. 

We stopped for hot fudge sundaes on our way home.  That always makes life better somehow!  :)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Club and Tweety

This morning, Guinness wanted Kevin to play "towel" with him.

 Kevin is doing so well at riding to and from school.  Arriving at Club.   His jump landed him in the water!
 He even managed to make it all the way home without getting off his bike!

At the end of the day, he wanted to play on the playground a bit before leaving.

We also stopped at Palestine Park at the lakeside for him to play for a while.

We borrowed several DVDs from the public library to keep Kevin entertained in the condo.  He chose a couple of Sylvester and Tweety Bird programs which he is REALLY enjoying.  They have a bit of the "I Tink I Saw a Puddy Tat" song, but not the whole thing.  I couldn't remember all the words, so looked it up on YouTube.  We found the song plus more episodes of Tweety.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Club Begins, Movie, & Sunset

Today was the first day of Boys and Girls Club.  He did an excellent job of riding his bike.  He was a bit shy at drop off this morning, but there was no shyness when I picked him up at lunch.  The counselor he is with is Aaron who became his babysitter later this week. 

He wanted to shop at the YAC at lunchtime.  In addition to the few coins he had, he wanted a dollar to buy M&Ms, so I gave him the dollar, expecting that was all he would buy.  But, no; he spent ALL his coins with three lollipops.  What is he going to do with three lollipops??  He has one from a restaurant last week which he never ate.  

After lunch, he paraded himself through the creek and up the hill to the clubhouse.  (in red shirt)

 The red bike is Kevin's.

 A portion of the sea of bikes at Boys & Girls Club
At the end of the day, he bought a lanyard and a new Tshirt.

We decided to go see "Brave" tonight.  We stopped at the mall first to find some shoes for Grandma.  Then we had dinner at Applebee's.  We were the ONLY people in the theater!  And it was freezing cold.  He sat on my lap so that we both would be warm.  "Brave" is a good story, but Kevin found it frightening.  He was very frightened at the climax, and cried about it on the way home.  He is worried he will have nightmares.  Fortunately, there was a GORGEOUS sunset which distracted his mind from his fears.  He took many photos while I drove.

 Look at this dragon head with teeth!!!  Kevin thinks it is shark!


Sunday, June 24, 2012


Today was A DAY at Chautauqua.  NOT the day Melanie and I had planned, for sure!!!!!
A major reason Melanie was here this weekend (aside from enjoying Chautauqua!!) was to babysit Kevin while I attended choir rehearsals and sang Sunday morning. 

This morning, she babysat until it was time to take Kevin to his SS program, then she was going to come to Morning Worship — riding her bike (this is a walking community).  She was wearing a long dress, wide brimmed hat, and riding her bike.  Her hat flew off, she grabbed for it and crashed.  She was very frightened because of her condition!!  Someone came to find me in the choir lineup to tell me.  At first, I they were indicating she was OK, then I realized I MUST go to be with her.  I met her as I was leaving the Amphitheater and she was entering.  She told me to go back to choir; she was fine.  She had left her phone at the accident, so I gave her mine to call Philip.  She wasn’t fine.  After the service, someone came to find me to say that she had gone to the hospital in an ambulance as she could not see.

In hindsight, God had a hand in this.  I was intended to hear today's sermon!  The theme was God has absolutely bad taste as He loves everyone!  I will write more about that when I begin my "Deciphering Life" blog! 

My bike broke on the way to pick up Kevin; we tried to have lunch on the Plaza at the BBQ, but they ran out of chicken, so we had to go to the UMChurch.

Kevin did a fabulous job of riding his bike without gears all the way the hill back to our condo!  

Finally, we were on our way to the hospital.  By then, they were about ready to release her.  All their tests were negative.

Then we went on a hunt for her bike.  She was told it was in the Bratton Theater.  We couldn’t find anyone and walked in a restricted door.  No one was there, but found her bike.  Then we had to find her phone.  It was not where she left it and no one, so far, had answered when she called.  She tried again, and the person (a fireman) who had it answered!!!!  J    He brought it to us.
Philip’s passport has expired, so he could not come get her.  I could take her home, but that would leave her MIL's car here!  Besides, I didn't think it was a good idea to take her home in my vehicle with Guinness bouncing everywhere.  Her inlaws came to get her and their car which she had here. 

Tonight we finally had time to read -- for the first time!!!  I read a chapter to him from "Charlotte's Web" and he read a chapter to me from one of his books. 

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Settling In and Under the Streetlamp

This morning, we had breakfast at On the Hill, then went grocery shopping.

Some of us napped while others watched movies. 
Melanie and Kevin enjoying Guinness.

While out on a walk with Guinness, we met a woman who was eager to meet my goofy boy.  She declared him to be "charming!" That is a first!

Kevin and I tried our "flying angel" routine.
 Melanie brought her own bike, but Kevin and I went to the bike shop to rent our bikes for the two weeks.  I was hoping Kevin could have a bike with gears this year to be able to navigate the hills more easily.  But the smallest bike with gears is a bit too tall for Kevin.  He probably needs another year of no gears to improve his bike riding skills anyway. 

Melanie brought a large dark chocolate candy bar and left it on the counter.  While we were out, Guinness helped himself.  After going through this a couple of months ago, we knew we had to get him to vomit.  She is the one who helped me administer hydrogen peroxide to him the last time when he ate MY bar.   :\   She went out for Hydrogen Peroxide and a baby med dispenser to get it into his mouth.  We gave him 4 ml.  It took 3 hours the last time before he vomited.  He NEVER vomited this time!!!!

This evening, Under the Streetlamp performed in the Amp.  Kevin loved it, so we were able to stay for the whole show.
They never had an intermission anyway.  Kevin liked it enough that he wanted a CD!

Kevin was eager to have some awesome Buckeye and Moose Tracks ice creams.  So after the concert, we stood in line for ice cream.  Grandma was too cold for that and opted for a hot chocolate at the nearby coffee boutique.   Once home, Kevin set down his ice cream cone.  Guess who got it.  Well, then, Melanie put what was left in a paper cup and threw it away in a "drawer" type garbage bin in the kitchen cabinets.  Guess what. . .  He OPENED the drawer and got the cup out!!!!!!   He is INCORRIGIBLE!!!!


Friday, June 22, 2012

Packing, Traveling, and Moving In

Grandma is never is a good mood when she is rushed.  This morning, I had MUCH to do to get ready to leave.  I warned Kevin that Grandma would not be in a good mood and to not take it to heart if I spoke crossly to him. 

I told him where to find sidewalk chalk and sent him outside to be a creative artist on my patio.  He did a great job! 

Melanie traveled with us in her vehicle.  She is staying with us for the weekend.  Once we were finally in the car and on our way, Kevin was intent on listening to the music on my iPod of Camelot and My Fair Lady.  He had not heard those songs in a year and wanted to hear his favorites over and over and over again. 

We arrived at our condo late afternoon and a woman appeared whom I did not recognize, yet she knew me and Melanie by name!  It was Shelagh, the buyer of our house!  I knew that she would be at Chautauqua the same two weeks as we will be there, but I did not expect to see her at our condo as soon as we arrived!  I told her I brought champagne to toast our buying and selling as soon as it is finalized! 

We went to Redline for dinner where the waitresses wear roller skates and they have fabulous milkshakes! 
The reason for arriving today was for Grandma to attend the choir rehearsal this evening.  Melanie was my babysitter!  :)   While I was in rehearsal, they were outside the building walking Guinness

  and finding hearts everywhere!!!!