Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Fourth With Natural Fireworks!!!

Since Kevin was out so late last night and will be again tonight, I decided I was going to let him sleep as long as possible.  He slept until after 9am.  We did not rush, and he did not want to go to Boys and Girls Club, so he stayed home all morning -- doing artwork, watching cartoon videos, and a movie on his iPhone.  Angela was staying in all day today working on job applications, so I went to the morning lecture with Jim Lehrer alone.  The sky looked somewhat threatening, so I took my rain jacket, though it was much too hot to wear it.

This morning at the lecture, the speaker praised last night's pops concert but bemoaned that he could not make his paper bag pop!  LOL  He said that all of his grandchildren could do it, but he could not.  I HAD to tell Kevin that story!!!  

During the lecture, one of the worst storms ever struck!  I didn't think anyone would get wet in the Amphitheater, but the wind was so strong and the rain came down so hard that anyone without rain gear or umbrella got soaked!   The curtains on the stage blew over!  I was glad Kevin was not at Club today!  When I arrived home, Angela had unplugged my computer because of the close thunder and lightening, and they saw hail during the storm. 

I had wanted to take Kevin to the Community Band Concert after lunch, but it was cancelled due to the rain.

Here are some of Kevin's morning projects while I was gone:

Kevin enjoyed vegging and stayed home this afternoon too, so he missed the whole day of Club.  This afternoon when the sun came out, we took Guinny for a walk and stopped at the Ropes Course for Kevin to play a bit.

We needed to buy some birthday cards for Stefan, Kevin's step brother, so we drove into town.  We passed a kiddie amusement park set up for the holiday on the lake!  We stopped for Kevin to ride the Tilt-a-Whirl and the spinning ride that goes very fast and turns sideways.

He wanted to ride both twice.  After the second spin, he said he had a headache and wanted to go home.

For dinner, we went with Angela to a restaurant on the lake where we sat on the patio.  It was lovely!  And our dinner was excellent. 

The Amphitheater program tonight was a dance band.  They had removed all the main level seats as a dance floor.  Earlier today while talking to Angela, I was bemoaning that I had no dance partner, then I suddenly remember -- I have Kevin!!!!  When I yelled that out, he was in the bathtub and said, "I knew you were going to say that, Grandma."  By the time we were on our way, he saw his friends at the fountain in Bestor Plaza.  Kevin did come to the Amp for one dance, but it was way too hot in there to dance comfortably!
My realtor sent more documents for Grant and me, and the Flecks to sign.  I printed them, and we tried to find a time to get together.  Our schedules didn't mesh until 9pm.  They are wonderful people; so easy to be friends with them!  I wish I could be their neighbor!  

We had been shopping in the bookstore earlier, and Kevin found a tube of glow sticks.  They were a great toy for him on the Fourth in the dark!  He had lots of fun with them at Flecks, then, when we walked down to the lake for the fireworks, he had fun making jewelry, hoola hoops, etc.

  He even laid them on the dark ground and created pictures.  Bob Fleck took some photos of his ground art and other people came along, taking note of his unique art.   
Bob caught these unique shots:

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