Sunday, June 24, 2012


Today was A DAY at Chautauqua.  NOT the day Melanie and I had planned, for sure!!!!!
A major reason Melanie was here this weekend (aside from enjoying Chautauqua!!) was to babysit Kevin while I attended choir rehearsals and sang Sunday morning. 

This morning, she babysat until it was time to take Kevin to his SS program, then she was going to come to Morning Worship — riding her bike (this is a walking community).  She was wearing a long dress, wide brimmed hat, and riding her bike.  Her hat flew off, she grabbed for it and crashed.  She was very frightened because of her condition!!  Someone came to find me in the choir lineup to tell me.  At first, I they were indicating she was OK, then I realized I MUST go to be with her.  I met her as I was leaving the Amphitheater and she was entering.  She told me to go back to choir; she was fine.  She had left her phone at the accident, so I gave her mine to call Philip.  She wasn’t fine.  After the service, someone came to find me to say that she had gone to the hospital in an ambulance as she could not see.

In hindsight, God had a hand in this.  I was intended to hear today's sermon!  The theme was God has absolutely bad taste as He loves everyone!  I will write more about that when I begin my "Deciphering Life" blog! 

My bike broke on the way to pick up Kevin; we tried to have lunch on the Plaza at the BBQ, but they ran out of chicken, so we had to go to the UMChurch.

Kevin did a fabulous job of riding his bike without gears all the way the hill back to our condo!  

Finally, we were on our way to the hospital.  By then, they were about ready to release her.  All their tests were negative.

Then we went on a hunt for her bike.  She was told it was in the Bratton Theater.  We couldn’t find anyone and walked in a restricted door.  No one was there, but found her bike.  Then we had to find her phone.  It was not where she left it and no one, so far, had answered when she called.  She tried again, and the person (a fireman) who had it answered!!!!  J    He brought it to us.
Philip’s passport has expired, so he could not come get her.  I could take her home, but that would leave her MIL's car here!  Besides, I didn't think it was a good idea to take her home in my vehicle with Guinness bouncing everywhere.  Her inlaws came to get her and their car which she had here. 

Tonight we finally had time to read -- for the first time!!!  I read a chapter to him from "Charlotte's Web" and he read a chapter to me from one of his books. 

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