Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Preparation Day

Kinga made a trip to the Polish store which is within a few miles of Karin's cemetery.  Kinga bought the store out -- two big baskets of yummy goodies.

Kevin and I bought a wreath at Michael's last night which we brought for Karin's grave.  The good news about her plot is that grass is finally thick and healthy.  No mud on her beautiful marker!  However, there were pellets of fertilizer on the marker which may have stained it.  We did not have the appropriate supplies to attack such a problem.

Kevin helped to arrange the wreath. 

 He had bought an extra for it -- a white fuzzy-tailed bird (on the top left). 
 He always like to find something natural to place on her marker.  He found red leaves.
Our next stop was a grocery store.  Grandma and Kevin picked out a centerpiece and pondered over the napkins available trying to decide which ones would be perfect while Kinga completed her shopping. 

This marionette puppet of a dragon came from his family trip to Poland this summer.  He is quite adept at doing movements with it.
Kevin helped me make a pumpkin pie for tomorrow.  His fluting of the crust was awesome! 

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