Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Perfect Weather Day! But Trouble. . .

 Such a lovely day!  We ate all three meals on the deck.  Why can't boys sit on chairs?
College student window washers came this morning.  The first thing I knew, the guy was walking on my window ledges!  I went out to ask if he is a monkey!  His co-worker described him as an acrobat and warned me he does much more dangerous things.  She was right!  Instead of using a ladder for the top windows, he hung out of them! 

 Kevin could not be outdone!  The first thing I knew, Kevin had climbed this tree adjacent to the window washer!  There are no low branches; he was wearing shorts, so he could not have shimmed up the tree.  He said he jumped, grabbed a branch and walked up!  Oh, my. . .

 When the windows were done, we began our list of errands.  First, we got a haircut.  Next, we stopped in at the sports store to see if Kevin's ice skates and helmet still fit.  They do!  Then Grandma needed to visit her lawyer's office.  There is a huge, heavy, wood door leading to his hallway.  I went through the door first, then heard Kevin screaming!  His fingers were caught in the closing door!  I think I screamed louder than he did, as, at first, I couldn't figure out exactly what had happened and how to release his hand.  He cried and cried.  Some ladies brought us some ice.  Once back in the car, we called Mommy.  As the phone dialed, he said he wanted to go back home -- to HIS home!  Poor baby!  Why do these things happen at Grandma's??  Last year, it was the waffle iron!  (  Mommy gave him verbal comfort, and we found out what pain med he could take.  He did not want to go to the drug store, but I couldn't leave him home alone or in the car alone, so he had to endure shopping. 

Eventually, he was able to tell me how it happened.  At school, he likes to run his hand along a door as he passes.  He was running his hand along the door as he walked through but it shut as his thumb and first finger reached the edge of the door!!!!  OUCH!   He mentioned a few times that his smashed fingers felt like they were a drum.  No kidding! 

So much for our plans to ice skate tonight!

This evening, we Skyped Mom and Dad.

 Mommy is silly!  :)   But Kevin didn't capture the joke.  He thought she made rabbit ears on Daddy!
Innocence is grand! 

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