Grandma left today to spend New Year's in NC with Kevin and family.
Cathi told me, after I left, Kien asked, "Why did Grandma have to leave?"
Daddy told him, "Because she is going to see your cousin for New Year's and then go back to her home."
Kien replied, "Well, that's too bad."
Cathi wrote, "LOL! You should have seen the look on his face! It was priceless!"
Awwww. . . he loves Grandma, and Grandma loves him!!!
Kevin wanted to play "Hide the Thimble" using a Christmas angel bear as the thimble. We had a lot of fun with it, but the funniest was when I took this picture! He posed in front of the Christmas tree hugging Santa and wearing the Santa hat, so I grabbed my camera to catch the cute shot.
Little did I know where the angel bear was. Can you guess????
[inside the Santa hat!!!!] He tricked me!!!!
Later he lay on the floor at my feet and drew a portrait of me! :-0
This boy has talent!
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