Kien opened a BibleMan outfit -- the armor from Ephesians 6: The Belt of Truth, the Breastplate of Righteousness, feet fitted with the Gospel of Peace, the Shield of Faith, the Helmet of Salvation, and the Sword of the Spirit (which is the Word of God). Certainly a BIG hit along with another sword that makes noises and extends.

Plus he got a guitar with microphone that works!
Gabe is a ball player! He throws and catches very well for a 2 year old! He now has a basketball and hoop, and makes most shots!!!! :-0

Gabe is also a car-man -- like his Daddy!!! He LOVES cars!!!! So he got a car wash and car ramp with firehouse.

After plenty of sword activity, Kien was wiped out!

For breakfast, we had a Birthday Cake for Baby Jesus -- angel food cake frosted with whipped cream and strawberries. YUM!

Blowing out the candles!

Then, it was time for church. The children were called forward for a Children's Sermon.

The sermon brought on a nap for Gabe.

Both boys were very well behaved in church!

I commented on being out of practice doing something, and Kien piped up, "Don't give up, Grandma!"
The day was spent playing with new toys, napping, and Grandma fixed a ham dinner for our Christmas feast. But we missed the two big kids.
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