Kevin began Art in the Garden, a full-day, week long (albeit a short week due to the holiday) daycamp at our local botanical gardens. He was very comfortable skipping into the building as we had scoped it out last week. As we approached his classroom, he started holding back and said, "I'm shy." I concurred with him, yet pointed out that sometimes he is very outgoing -- like at a playground. He easily asks strangers, "Will you play with me?" He was hesitant to find a place to sit, and I was a bit disappointed that one of the young teachers/aides did not pick up on his shyness and help him ease into the group.
Mid-afternoon, I received a call that I could pick up Guinness. The vet showed me the x-rays and explained we have the same situation as two years ago. She will make calls to see which orthopedic surgeon in the area can take him more quickly. After our consult, they brought a groggy Guinness to me in the waiting room. His joy to see me was expressed in a tender groan and succumbing to my pets and nuzzling. He was talking to me! Very sweet. Everyone in the waiting room was saying "awwww...." The doctor came out with an assistant to say they would help me get him to our car. Guinness wanted love from her too and rolled on his back for tummy rubs.
When I picked Kevin up, it was a different story from this morning! He was very engaged and didn't want to leave. I had to drag him away from listening to "The Lorax."
He asked if we could tour the gardens as we had toured the art gallery after his art class there. I reminded him we had to rush to his last piano lesson!
His teacher was very pleased with his progress in only four weeks! He was awarded more stickers than normal today!
As a treat, she showed him the innards of her piano and explained how the hammers, strings, pedals, etc. all work. Even I learned a thing or two!
This evening, he and I went to the restaurant beside the lakeside park at the lake. We ate on the patio overlooking the pool where Grandma ice skates in the winter and, in the summer, is a place for remote control boat owners to play. Kevin enjoyed watching the boats and wished he had one.
When we were finished, I remembered Mommy and Daddy wanted to Skype again tonight, but Kevin wanted to play on the playground too. So, he played on the playground while carrying my phone around talking to Mommy and Daddy. He rarely says he misses Mommy and Daddy and never asks to go home, though he does say he misses Mommy Kinga's cooking! But, on the phone, he expresses he loves them more than they can love him and wants to come home. Two and a half more weeks!
After the phone call, he did some lakeside posing:
Too bad I didn't have a better camera with me for this one! He asked to have his picture taken here and posed himself.
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