For breakfast, we went to a local breakfast/lunch place on the lake. Melanie played Mad Libs with Kevin on her iPhone. Maybe Grandma needs to download that too! It is good reading practice as well.
When we went to Bestor Plaza to buy our "Chautauquan Daily," Monkey climbed up here and wanted his picture taken!!!
I took Melanie on a tour of the grounds this afternoon. We passed this woman and stopped to see her artwork.
She had just arrived an hour earlier and was drawing her host's home while waiting for her to arrive. She said she had not done any artwork in years and felt her drawing was inferior. We all thought it is fabulous!!!
She and Kevin had a chat about art. Like many, she was enamored with Kevin! He was asking about things in her picture and noting her flowers were a different color than the real ones. She commented on "artistic license." He said he had had lice!!!! LOL It took me a minute to comprehend why he had brought that up in the middle of an art conversation! Then she reexplained herself saying that artists can draw things they way they like them even if they are not the exact replica of what is seen by the eye. He said he does that too.
We ended our tour at the ropes course.
This evening we were mesmerized by the ballet performance by the North Carolina Dance Theatre in residence with Chautauqua Dance. They performed a series of short pieces ending with the classic favorite -- The Blue Danube Waltz. We sat three rows back from the stage, next to the Chautauqua Symphony as Kevin asked that we sit next to the harp! At Intermission, the couple in front of us began chatting with Kevin. They were very taken with him. In the conversation, we learned the man is a storyteller on Rochester radio. I asked which station and discovered they know my cousin, Brenda Tremblay, very well, who is the host on the morning classics! The woman expressed she could see through Kevin's gorgeous eyes into his beautiful soul. We stayed for the entire program as Kevin did not want to leave.
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