Saturday, December 8, 2012

Grandma Babysits

I saw a balloon reindeer being situated as I drove to the boys' house.  I asked if they wanted to come see a giant reindeer, so they got on their bikes and off we went!

Once we were there, I remembered Cathi has told me Kien is frightened of people dressed up in costumes.  Neither of them wanted to get off their bikes and go closer!   But no one cried or seemed overly frightened. 

On the way home, I asked Gabe to repeat what he did for me yesterday when I babysat.  I didn't have my camera then -- but here he is climbing a vertical stone wall all the way to the top!!!!!   :-0    Oh, my. . .
 Of course, Kien can handily climb to the top AND jump off from the top, landing on two feet.  Gabe walks down the sloped wall to a more comfortable place for jumping.  Still too high for Grandma's taste! 

I was there to "babysit" Gabe and Jeremy while Mom and Dad went to Greg's work Christmas party.  Kien was also out at his sleepover at a friend's house.

Grandma brought supplies to make dinner for the three of us:   mac and cheese for the boys and gluten-free mac and cheese for myself plus green beans and Christmas cookies from the exchange.

Tonight is the first time Gabe has been eager to read stories with me.  He kept bringing me book after book!  :)   And we played toss with a small ball again.

Jeremy "treated" Grandma to a movie after Gabe was in bed -- "Red Dawn."  Oh, my.  Talk about violence!!!!  So I fell asleep.  When it was over I "tortured" him with playing 3 to 13 with me.  Unfortunately, my cards were phenomenal, and I won 0 to 110, though we didn't finish the game before Mom and Dad walked in.   I kept telling him I wasn't trying to win, because I want him to like the game.  ha!  But he said he did like the game. 

1 comment:

  1. So glad you have a card partner!! I should have showed Jeremy MY tricks so he could beat you!! :-P
