Grandma drove Kevin to school giving Mommy and Daddy a chance to sleep in. Mommy needed to run errands this afternoon, so Grandma walked to school to bring Kevin home. Since I did not have to park, I went in the school and asked if Kevin could show me his room. They told me where to wait for him to appear, but he never appeared. I went outside where he would be waiting to be picked up by car. I found him in the school yard with three other boys, deeply intent on watching a handheld video game. I snapped pictures as I walked up to them.

I was almost on top of them before one of the boys looked askance and said, "Someone is taking our picture."

He was delighted to take me to his classroom. There we saw some of his work on the walls. This bulletin board had strips with a photo of each child beside a comparison they had written about themself. Kevin's says, "I'm as smart as an elephant."

This is a 3D town with buildings made from milk cartons. This photo shows a green house at the bottom which is supposed to be his house.

Kevin also made the red firehouse in the center of this shot.

Another bulletin board displayed their Black History Month projects. Kevin drew and wrote about Rosa Parks.

He wanted to show me his lunchroom and I wanted to see his library. On the way, we ran into his teacher in the hallway. He introduced us, and I asked to take a picture.

Since we were walking, we went to the corner store/bakery and bought cookies and a drink.

Then he climbed onto my lap, so I tried to take a picture.

The trek home was a nature hike.
This morning I heard a loud bird which had to be fairly large to make that much noise. The "tweet" sounded like a quack and was two-toned. I walked down the street to see if I could find the creature with a strange sound coming from the top of a tall tree. As I came close, he grew quiet. But I heard the same tweet/quack this afternoon with Kevin and clearly saw a large black bird at the top of a tree! I knew it wasn't a crow (which says "caw"). I have never been sure of seeing a raven as they look so similar to a crow but a bit larger. iPhones are better than GREAT! I used my "Chirp USA" app to hear a raven's call. Bingo!

Kevin found some wild flowers to pick for Mommy.

We marveled over this camelia bush with white blooms and dark pink blooms. A landscaper came around the corner and explained, when the bloom opens, it is white, then over the coming days turns to dark pink! I wonder if these will grow in Texas! I want one! We had camelias beside our house in San Diego. Lovely!

One last stop: at the playground near his house. Plenty of new "tricks" to show Grandma!

This evening, Mommy, Daddy, Grandma, and Kevin played Rummikub -- my first time to play. It is a game of numbers -- making sets alike or consecutive. Kevin is VERY good at the game and won both games!!!! You can switch the sets around during play. He got into trouble with doing too many switches in one turn and forgetting what tile was already in play and what was not, so we had a little meltdown, but he came back and won the game. Mommy said he wins the game now most of the time. Once when I thought I could not play, he looked at my tiles and showed me what I could do!
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