Today was Funny Hair/Bubble Gum Day for Kevin's class. His version of Funny Hair was definitely funny! LOL

When it was time to pick up Kevin from school, I asked Cullin (Kinga's oldest, now among my grandchildren too, and home from college on spring break) if he wanted to take his dog Lucky while I walked Pebbles (as I didn't think I could handle both of them!) and walk to school. He did! :)
Once we had Kevin, he wanted to head for the woods to show Cullin. Cullin had spent much of his youth in this neighborhood, even living within steps of this magical place and had never been there! He was surprised at Kevin's bravery!

Continuing our walk home.

Kevin undid his hairdo at home, but he still had a funny do plus funny expression! LOL

At home, Kevin weeded a large planter for his Mommy. He was so dirty, he had to head for the tub! After the bath, he wanted to me to hide the Resurrection Eggs again. I made them last year for him, and we have taken turns hiding them each day. There is a symbol inside each egg telling the story of Easter.

1. (Bread) Matthew 26:26
While they were eating Jesus took a piece of bread,
gave a prayer of thanks, broke it, and gave it to His disciples.
"Take and eat it," He said, "This is My body."
2. (Coins) Matthew 26: 14-15
Then one of the twelve disciples, named Judas Iscariot, went to
the chief priests and asked, "What will you give me if I betray
Jesus to you?" They counted out thirty silver coins and gave
them to him.
3. (Purple cloth, representing a purple robe) Mark 15:17
They put a purple robe on Jesus. . .
4. (Thorns) Matthew 27:29
Then they made a crown out of thorny branches and placed it on
His head, and put a stick on His right hand; then they knelt
before Him and made fun of Him. "Long live the King, of the
Jews!" they said.
5. (Scourge-a small piece of rope or thick string) Mark 15:15
Pilate wanted to please the crowd, so he set Barabbas free for
them. Then he had Jesus whipped and handed Him over to be
6. (Cross) John 19: 17-18a
He went out, carrying His cross, and came to "The Place of the
Skull," as it is called. (In Hebrew it is called "Galgotha.") There
they crucified Him.
7. (Nails) John 20:25b
Thomas said to them, "Unless I see the scars of the nails in His
hands and put my finger on those scars and my hand in His
side, I will not believe."
8. (Sign) Luke 23:38
Above Him were written these words: THIS IS THE KING OF
9. (Sponge) Matthew 27:48
One of them ran up at once, took a sponge, soaked it in cheap
wine, put it on the end of a stick, and tried to make Him drink it.
10. (Spear) John 19:34
One of the soldiers plunged his spear into Jesus' side, and at
once blood and water poured out.
11. (Rock) Matthew 27:59-60
Joseph took the body, wrapped it in a new linen sheet, and
placed it in his own new tomb, which he had just recently dug
out of solid rock. Then he rolled a large stone across the
entrance to the tomb and went away.
12. (Empty) Matthew 28:6
He is not here He has risen just as He said.
At dinnertime, Steve and Kinga left for the weekend to celebrate their first anniversary. Cullin and Stephan (age 15) went to be with their Dad, leaving Kevin, me, and the two dogs all alone.
Kevin started hiccuping at school this afternoon, and it continued through the evening until he plugged his nose and drank some water. It seemed to work to stop them!
Kevin is to record how long he reads for the next two weeks. The classroom with the most minutes wins a prize. He read two books to me tonight -- 37 minutes. Then I began reading "Charlotte's Web" to him.