I have five dollhouses decorating my house: the two tin ones were mine as a child, and the three wooden ones were Karin's (one I built, my favorite was purchased in a garage sale, and the largest, sturdiest one was built for Karin by a friend. Kevin and I have talked about getting out the dollhouse furniture out of the attic for for a long time. I even pulled the boxes out of the attic many months ago, but we never got around to opening them. It was not excessively hot in the attic today, so we did it! We also found some puzzles Kevin would enjoy doing. He did two of the puzzles as soon as we were down the stairs!
The largest, sturdiest dollhouse's location is easily accessible for play, so that is the one he began furnishing. I have not seen Kevin in imaginative play very much, but he was into imaginative play with the dollhouse. He was making up conversations among the dolls and having them do things.
Once we had all the furniture out, we had to set up a second dollhouse so that he had somewhere to place the duplicate furniture.
And then... we opened the box of plastic furniture which goes to my tin dollhouses. I had to retrieve it from the top of a bookcase.
Kevin Skyped with Mommy and Daddy for 2.5 hours this evening!!! He eventually took them on a tour of the house to see all his things -- art portfolio in the dining room, pictures on the refrigerator, his bedroom, then brushing his teeth in the bathroom.
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