For our final fun day together, we went to an amusement park. We studied the park map and decided where we wanted to being our adventure. We chose the canoes which are not on a track, but you actually paddle them around an island set up as an Indian village in the middle of a large pond.

Our next stop was a giant slide which seemed to be manned by two incompetents making me wonder about this park. Kevin went all the way to the top and was told he had to go back down, but he didn't know why. I asked the staff person at the bottom why he was sent down. She didn't know. I walked to the top with Kevin and the staff person spoke English with a very strong accent. I had great difficulty understanding him but finally figured out Kevin was to bring a mat to slide on from the bottom. OK . . . So why didn't the girl at the bottom GIVE him a mat in the first place and then again when we asked why he was sent down. Oh, my. . . Kevin counted he navigated those stairs FIVE times to get one simple slide ride.

Our next experience was the roller coaster. I know I always tell myself after riding, "NEVER do that again!" But I did. And we sat in the second to the front seat. Not wise! I was SOOO scared! It threw you wickedly around in your seat. I was so afraid Kevin was not holding on tight enough. Oh, my. . . NEVER AGAIN! But as soon as we were off, Kevin wanted to go again. Nope! Not with Grandma!
Ridiculous! And then he wanted to do a spinning circle thing in the dark. He was on his own on that one. Next was this contraption -- which, if it had just swung back and forth, would have been fine. But they had to turn you in circles while swinging. He went alone again and loved it. At one point, he was in the front as it plunged down, and I saw and heard him scream with delight!
By this time, I realized he needed to be here with a friend his age who could enjoy all this craziness with him!
Grandma saw a chair plane ahead -- my favorite ride! Well, outside of a ferris wheel. But this one lifted you high in the air. It was a fabulous ride! Kevin loved it too.
We moved on to the "ferris" wheel. He was worried about being on a normal ferris wheel where you are in seats looking down, but this one has gondola buckets. You didn't even need a seatbelt. After a couple of rides around, the operator stopped us. I asked, "Is that all we get?" And he let us stay on for many more rides around.
The Log Flume was next. I sat in the back hoping to stay drier than the person in front. Bad plan. I was drenched! Kevin, laughing hysterically, said, "I knew you would get more wet in the back."
Before moving on to the water park, he wanted to drive an old fashioned car. He did VERY well with his steering abilities!
I had no idea this place had a water park -- a HUGE water park. We did not come prepared. Kevin was wearing his "silky" shorts, so he removed his underwear and Tshirt and wore the shorts as a swimsuit. I bought him a towel. They have at least three huge water slides,
a wave pool (which he loved), and a lazy river ride.
He had a ball, but it would have been so much more enjoyable if someone had been in the water with him.
It is difficult to break away from so much fun. I expected it to be a rinky-dink place and we would be home by 3. We were there until 7! The original plan was to go ice skating tonight, but he decided the park was better than ice skating. After the water park, he wanted one more ride on the chair plane which was not a bad idea, as it was a blow drier to dry to his shorts before getting in the car!
We were plenty hungry by this time, and I wanted us to have a "decent" dinner. We stopped at two restaurants and both had half hour waits. When did Wednesday become a busy restaurant night?! So we ended up with fast food.
We didn't get home until 9:00. The poor boy was exhausted and in a bad mood!!!! Once we were home, everything was wrong!!!! This is not a good way to start a long trip!!!! I hope he sleeps well tonight. His last full day with me was definitely full of excitement!!
He told me this morning he is afraid of heights. He is NOT afraid of heights!!!! He could not have done all the mammoth slides, roller coaster, gondola ferris wheel, and VERY high chair planes if he were afraid of heights!!!!