We had pancakes with real maple syrup, sausage, and all the trimmings for our Thanksgiving Day breakfast.
It took a couple of hours to pack up everything and get it all in the van again. They brought an amazing amount of stuff and managed to fit is all very well into the van with extra hamburger box on top.
Kien asked me three times during their stay why Karin died! He also asked me why some people are bigger than others, so we talked about God making people in all sizes, shapes, and colors. Cathi said he is being ridiculed by kids his age for being so tiny. Today he asked me why Karin is "Mama Karin." I explained that he was just a baby when he lived with her, and babies learn to say mama before saying mommy. What a memory he has! The last time I saw him in May, he noted my aging, sagging skin on my elbows and asked what was wrong with my elbow. I told him it is "old skin." This time, he told me, "I have old skin on my elbows"!!!! LOL Not quite!

Brandy made an interesting observation today. She said that grandmothers with dogs, grandmothers with cats, and grandmothers with no pets have different characteristics. Grandmothers with dogs are lively and energetic. Grandmothers with cats are laid back. And grandmothers with no pets are just grandmothers. I am glad I am in the lively and energetic category!
Jeremy continues to be a bit of a daredevil. He was jumping around our stone walls and over the stairs. Then he threatened to do a backflip off the boulders behind our driveway. Thankfully, it was only talk and not action!

The boys were ready to go with their paper trucks from Montana's yesterday.

On their way. . .

The house was VERY quiet and lonely after they left at 1pm.