Yesterday, Guinness and I drove to Kevin's house arriving last evening. It was dark when I arrived, and I could not see any house numbers to find their house among the street of Charleston homes with long front stairways, so I called them to say I was on their street and ask how to find them! I couldn't tell them where I was obviously. Steve thought he saw me and told me to back up to where they were standing on the sidewalk. I backed up, but no one was in sight. Thankfully, Kevin saw my car way up the hill! I saw barefooted Kevin sprinting up the steep sidewalk on his tippy toes! I followed him down the hill as he danced the whole way. So cute! He leapt into my arms when I got out of the car. Excited Guinness bolted out of the car running all around the neighbors' yards before we corralled him. Before entering the house, I put doggie boots on Guinness to protect their hardwood floors. They lasted about ten minutes. Pebbles wasn't thrilled with Guinness's presence but tolerated him. We brought a new stuffed toy for Pebbles which was torn apart by this morning.
I closed Guinness in Kevin's toy room for the night, but the doors did not shut tightly. In the middle of the night, Guinness jumped on top of Kevin! We managed to get Guinny to sleep at the bottom of Kevin's bed rather than on top of him.
Kevin had a late start for school which was nice for everyone. I love how they facilitate school drop-offs! The older elementary children stand along the sidewalk -- one to a car length and wave the cars through and signal when you should stop. The older student opens your child's car door, greets them cheerily and says goodbye to the adult driver! Very smooth, very polite; a nice way to start the day!
I took Guinness for a long walk before taking him to the kennel for his vacation time. My sidewalk became a Y with a wide, paved path to the left leading into woods. What a lovely spot!!! Thank heavens for my iPhone with map to tell me where I was! The long trek through the woods brought me to a sidewalk beside a highway. Without the digital map, I would have had to turn around to go home, but, with the map, I could see how to get back to their house, having made a huge circle.
I picked up Kevin from school and told him about the wonderful path I had found. We pulled out his bike. I had feared his neighborhood hills were too steep for him to ride, but I realized, being there in person, that he was capable of navigating them, at least, going down. I followed as he rode down the hills quite successfully and I pushed him up hills until we reached the wooded path. The woods are beautiful and colored leaves are covering the ground.

Kevin first spied red sweetgum leaves and HAD to take a few home. He found yellow tulip leaves in various sizes from small to giant. Those two trees are the most colorful today, though we did pick up a catalpa and a walnut leaf.
On the ride home, he was paying attention to all the fun Halloween decorations. I noted a house across the street with several painted pumpkins. Kevin squealed they were Angry Birds, and left his bike to cross the street and climb the steps to get a closer look.

I saw someone peeking at him from in the house. Soon a mother and boy from Kevin's grade came out! The boys recognized each other, but had not met. We praised their pumpkins and had a fun chat with new friends!

We stopped at the playground down the street from Kevin's house. He is gaining in physical strength and abilities!

Another indicator of maturing is Kevin's speech! He is sounding much more sophisticated!
Kevin helped place the leaves between wax paper for me to iron them to preserve them a little longer.
Grandma is here to attend a writers' conference at Myrtle Beach! Steve, Kinga, and Kevin were eager to join me in a luxurious highrise condo hotel and play on the beach for the weekend while I am in sessions. We drove there this evening.
When we arrived at the condo hotel and entered the parking ramp, Steve commented, "Only special people can get in." Kevin replied, "Oh! That's good to know!" When everyone laughed, he said, "It's good to know that you are easy to crack up!"
Steve and Kevin came with me two years ago. We had an oceanview room then. This time, it is an oceanfront room. Fabulous view!